Sunday, September 13, 2009

And Now for AIT Training

Welcome back, sports fans. It's me, Private First Class Jared Harding back after a 3-ish week break. I hope you're all ready to go.

For those of you who don't know, the past couple of weeks have been fantastic. First off, I finally graduated Basic Training. I am out of Fort Jackson, never to go back again. As soon as I had the chance I said "Nuts to you!", and I was out. It was a very nice graduation. Mainly for the fact that my mother and father were there along with the beautiful Kristy Marden. After graduation we started our journey to Virginia. Home of Fort Lee, where I'll be spending the next 10 weeks for my AIT training. On the way there we spent the night at Virgina Beach. If ya'll haven't been there, I'd highly recommend it. Anyway, at Virgina Beach we all ate dinner and then I took Kristy for a walk on the Beach where I told her my feelings for her and I asked her to marry me. And to my surprise, she said Yes. Can you believe it? And right after she said yes, fire works started going off. I totally planned and paid for them too. It wasn't just a pure coincidence that it happened smooth, right? That was the biggest news in the last couple of weeks. Other than that, not a whole lot happened.

I got to AIT Saturday night and it's been pretty okay here. It's kind of like having a 9-5 job, except you're at school. I wake up at 5-ish, do PT, have breatfast, start school at 9:00, take lunch at noon, leave school at 5:00, go to dinner, and I have the rest of the night off. On top of that, I'm off Saturday and Sunday as well. But the #2 best thing about this place is that they also treat us like actual people. It's amazing. Classes are boring so far but I think I'll like it here.

I think that'll about do it for this week. And just in case some of you were wondering, they even have a TV room, so I got to watch BYU beat Oklahoma. That was the 2nd best thing. :)

Anyway, love you all. Call me.

Jared Harding


  1. Congrats, I'm so excited for you guys! I couldn't believe with Kristy told me about the fireworks, how great is that:)

  2. woot woot i am so excited for you & Kristy! have you picked a date yet?
